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Flock April 2010.jpg


Welcome to Shepherd’s Bay Farm, home to a diverse flock of fiber-bearing animals nurtured and raised to provide wool for knitters, hand-spinners, weavers and crafters. Shepherd’s Bay Farm is nestled amid the hills, trees, and lakes of west-central Minnesota.

We began with a small flock of Shetland sheep over thirty years ago. Since then, the farm has unwittingly evolved into a sanctuary of sorts for long-haired renegade goats, far too many angora rabbits, quirky guard llamas, and one exotic four-horned African sheep that didn’t make the cut as a house pet. Many of these animals came to us as rescues, having worn out their welcome at their previous homes. 


Most of the animals on the farm are Shetland sheep, ranging in age from newborn lambs to toothless geriatrics. The sheep have found a home here, and they serve a purpose. The annual shearing of the flock provides fiber and wool for hand spinners, weavers, and other fiber artists.


Our Shetland and Shetland-crossbred sheep produce fine, soft fleeces ranging in color from white to black, with myriad shades of cream, fawn, brown, and gray in between.  Known for its luster, strength and warmth, this premium quality wool is perfect for hand-spinning and makes an ideal knitting yarn. 

In addition to the sheep, we cultivate/support/enable a motley assortment of llamas, angora rabbits, and various other hangers-on. Most of the fiber from our flock is mill-spun into a lovely, soft knitting yarn. We also offer some hand-knit products.

The resident shepherdess has written a memoir titled Keeping Watch: 30 Sheep, 24 Rabbits, 2 Llamas, 1 Alpaca, and a Shepherdess with a Day Job, published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press/Borealis Books. The book features many members of our flock, including a blind lamb, a lovesick llama, an uncommonly ugly dog, and a wandering rabbit. The book was published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press/Borealis Books and is available for purchase through local booksellers or on Amazon. 

The majority of our sales are made at regional craft, wool, and fiber festivals in Minnesota. Please contact us for information on where you can find us in upcoming months. 

© 2024 Shepherd's Bay Farm

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